5 Ways Exercising Helps Your Business

For many entrepreneurs it’s a struggle to find time to go to the gym every day.  You come home from work and just want to sit and relax with your family.  Or you set an alarm to go before work, but the bed is just too comfy.  Then, that liiiiiiiittle voice in your head says, “I eat a healthy diet, and I’m constantly on-the-go, so I should be OK skipping the gym today.”

Let me tell you why that little voice in your head is wrong, and why exercising is one of the things you need to be doing for yourself and your business.

1) Exercising reduces stress.  We all know that being an entrepreneur doesn’t come without stress. Working out will produce natural hormones that reduce stress and increase happiness, giving you clarity to make good decisions.

2) Exercising improves brain power.  Exercise increases the amount of blood flow to your brain, getting your creative juices flowing. So as your muscles are growing, so is your business!

3) Exercising increases self-confidence.  How do you feel after a tough workout? Ready to tackle the world? Completing a tough workout leaves you feeling confident and ready to take on difficult decisions.

4) Exercising gives you a natural boost of energy.  How many cups of coffee do you drink a day? 1, 3, 5–more than 5?? Exercising will give you a natural kick of energy so that you don’t have to spend all of your money at the local coffee shop just to make it through the day.

5) Exercising can remind you of the importance of goals.  Lose ten pounds, run a marathon, compete in a bodybuilding competition–we all have fitness goals that we aim for.  These goals can help remind us of the importance of determination, motivation, and achievement.

Still not convinced you need to exercise? Check out this article from Entrepreneur.

When it comes to your health, it’s important to put your needs in front of your business’.  You may not be able to make it to the gym every day, but you should set a goal to go a couple of days a week, at a minimum.  You’ll start noticing differences in your mood, your appearance, and your performance at work.  Give it a try–you’ll feel so much better!