4 Helpful Homework Tips for Children with Learning Challenges

Let’s face it – most kids don’t like homework. Parents and teachers alike have spent years and years trying to find ways to make it more enjoyable. Homework is a powerful tool for reinforcing lessons and techniques learned in the classroom. However, it can pose a difficult challenge, especially for parents of children facing unique challenges, like attention or learning difficulties.

Outside of a structured classroom it can be difficult to ensure completion of homework, track your child’s progress, and keep them focused on learning.

The team at Nakata Consulting is here with a few simple tips you can use to help your uniquely challenged child keep learning – both inside and outside of the classroom!


  1. Stay Organized

Structure and guidance are absolutely key for uniquely challenged children. An organized, visual reminder of the homework that must be completed is a very handy tool.

A homework calendar is a fantastic idea for this. Purchase a calendar-style dry-erase board, and different color markers. Write down what assignments are due on each day and, as your child finishes their assignments, they can use the markers to “complete” the assignments by coloring in the related section of the board.

Green markers can be used for a day that’s “completed,” yellow for “completed but late,” and red for “incomplete.” Once you start filling in this calendar, your child will be able to see how well they’ve been performing, and quickly understand how much work they have to do.


  1. Communicate with Teachers About Assignments

For a child with a disability, homework assignments should closely mimic the format and standards of in-class assignments.

Communicate with your educator(s) about this to ensure weekly homework assignments given to your child do not exceed their skill level, and are closely related to in-class material.


  1. Understand How Your Child Learns 

Each uniquely challenged child learns differently. Some kids with ADHD or other learning disabilities may enjoy using tablets or computers to study and learn, while others may prefer flashcards or physical note-taking in order to study well.

Think about how your child learns most effectively, and consult with their educator(s) to help you understand the best learning strategies for your child. Focusing on these strategies while completing homework can help make things easier, and reduce the stress on both you and your child.


  1. Maintain a Designated “Homework Space”

Your child needs a specialized, designated “homework space” that’s only used for homework. This really helps them to stay focused on their work. Because that space is used only for homework, they’re more likely to be able to pay attention and concentrate on the task at hand.

Set aside a corner of a room and screen it off; add a desk and a table lamp. Make sure your child has all the supplies he or she will need, and dedicate that area strictly to homework. This way, your child will have a place to go every day – without question – when it’s time to do homework and study.


Follow These Strategies – and Make Homework Easier for Your Child!

School and homework are never easy for children who have learning challenges – but with these tips you can streamline the process, and ensure that your child has the tools they need to succeed.

For more tips on children with learning challenges – or to consult with a professional special education advocate – visit Nakata Consulting today. We specialize in advocating for learning-challenged adults and children. Our years of experience can help you through the process of caring for your child. Contact us now to learn more!