Archives for September 2017

Providing Expert Back to School IEP Support Services

For parents of uniquely challenged children, going back to school can be a very difficult proposition. There’s so much to do! You have to review your IEP, meet your child’s new teachers, familiarize your child with a new environment, and much more. You don’t have to go through this process alone. At Nakata Consulting, we provide expert IEP support services, and we can help facilitate the back to school process. Interested in what we can do? Keep reading to find out!   IEP Review, Analysis, and Revision Your child’s IEP is a living document, and it must be regularly checked and revised to ensure that it’s accurate and meets their unique needs. At Nakata Consulting, we can … [Read more...]

Understanding the IEP Process

If your uniquely challenged child is entering school for the first time, one of the main things you’ll need to do is create an IEP—an Individualized Education Plan. An IEP is a specialized document that outlines the challenges your child faces, expected educational services, and the methods by which educators will help your child realize their full potential. The process of developing this plan can be complex, so let’s take a look at the basics behind IEP development now.   Eligibility Determination The first step in creating an IEP is understanding your child’s eligibility. With IDEA, there are thirteen total categories under which a child can receive IEP services, including … [Read more...]