Archives for December 2014

Three Year-End Tax Tips from the IRS to Help You Save Money

Sure, the tax year is coming to an end, but there are still steps you can take to lower your 2014 taxes. I found an excellent article on year-end tax tips that can help you save time and tax dollars. They can even help you save for retirement. Who doesn’t love to save money? Here are 3 year-end tips from the IRS to help you save: Start a filing system. If you don’t have a filing system for your tax records, start one. It can be as simple as a shoebox, or more complex like folders and spreadsheets. Keeping things filed will save you much time and energy in the long run. Make Charitable Contributions. If you plan to give to charity, consider donating before the year ends. … [Read more...]

Mobile Apps That Can Help You Be A Better Business Owner

As the owner of a company, you know how important (and challenging!) it is to keep up with the daily merry-go-round of running a business: overseeing projects, managing budgets, and communicating with employees. Often you find yourself having to do all this while on the go, so what better way to organize and streamline the process than with a mobile app? Here’s an excellent article from Entrepreneur Magazine with some great app suggestions! These 8 Mobile Apps Multiply How Much You Can Get Done Every Day   … [Read more...]

​5 Completely Selfish (But Still Good) Reasons to Buy Local

I love sharing the articles I find on helping your small business, your startups, and your finances as an entrepreneur. But let’s not forget as small business owners to support each other, too. This article from the Denver Business Journal details how supporting local businesses not only benefits others, but yourself as well. 5 Completely Selfish (But Still Good) Reasons to Buy Local Here are three of the reasons covered: People talk, and word of mouth can grow your business Familiarity breeds trust and puts you on the inside track There’s strength in numbers Read the whole article to get all 5 reasons in-depth! Buying local isn’t just great for your community, it’s great … [Read more...]