Affordable Care Act Premium Tax Credit

With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, also known as “ObamaCare,” health care coverage is now required. This can be a heavy burden when you’re on a tight budget. Luckily, the IRS has allowed for a premium tax credit for those who have moderate incomes and need help paying for their health care coverage. According to the IRS, you generally have to meet these three rules to be eligible for the premium tax credit: Get health insurance coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace Have a household income between one and four times the federal poverty line Not be eligible for other coverage, including Medicare, Medicaid, or sufficient employer-sponsored coverage Be … [Read more...]

Affordable Care Act Tax Exemptions

As of 2014, if you do not have health insurance coverage or have a gap in coverage, you will have to either pay an individual shared responsibility fee or file for an exemption when you file your taxes in 2015. Wondering how to make the right choices for your health care tax provisions? Here are some basics to help you determine if you qualify for an Affordable Care Act tax exemption. According to the IRS, people who qualify include those who: Do not have access to affordable coverage Have a gap of less than three consecutive months without coverage Qualify for one of several other exemptions, including: having a hardship that prevents you from obtaining coverage, … [Read more...]

Don’t Wave a Red Flag to the IRS

Tax time can be stressful: meeting deadlines, finding invoices and receipts, and figuring out how much to write off while avoiding an audit. An accountant can alleviate some of the stress, but not all of it! A colleague of mine published these tips in their newsletter, figured I’d share. Here’s a list of things to avoid if you would prefer NOT to undergo an IRS audit: Eleven Red Flags The IRS Looks For: 1.) Forgetting to claim income that is already being reported to the IRS. 2.) ROUND numbers are always a flag. 3.) Large deductions for travel & entertainment. Computer programs at the IRS establish norms. Taxpayers that are outliers are at a higher risk of audit. In … [Read more...]

How to Prevent a Tax Headache

Is your tax headache coming? From collecting documents to reviewing write-offs, this can be a stressful time of year. The hardest part, especially for business owners, is the fear that you will owe more than you can handle. The best thing you can do during tax season to stop worrying is get organized. Knowledge is power. Figure out what papers you need, what deductions you’ll be claiming, and how you are going to file (online software, tax professional, etc.). Once your information is complete, you’ll know how much you owe, or how much you’ll be receiving. If you owe money, there are solutions that can help relieve some of the burden, as this Yahoo! Finance article explains. Not paying … [Read more...]